A lame attempt as part of the Hipsters Around the World series on travelsofadam.com. Haifa is Israel’s 3rd (or maybe 4th…I’m not sure) largest city. (Actually, defining an Israeli’s city size is a complicated, political affair—one I don’t really want to get into.) Well, whatever. It’s a big city and it’s in northern Ramallah in …
Travels of Adam? Travels of a wombat. Wombat Wednesday follows Mr. Wombat on his travels around the world. Philae Temple in Aswan, Egypt. The sacrificial altar. Don’t worry: Mr Wombat’s okay. He’s just admiring all those hieroglyphics! More photos from the Philae Temple
Traveling can make you dirty. In more ways than you think, but we’ll just stick to dirt of the grainy, brown variety. It’s pretty much expected that while traveling you’re going to have to deal with a decent amount of dirt. But what can a nomad do? You can’t be dirty forever.
Remember how I decided I didn’t like having a guidebook with me in Morocco? (read it here) Well, as soon as I got to Egypt I was almost in a panic trying to find a map of Cairo—or any travel information whatsoever. Egypt’s tourism industry isn’t exactly friendly to individual travelers. It’s built much more …
I just finished four full weeks (28 days to be precise) in Spain. This is what I’ve learned, what I’ve loved and what I’ll want to see again. But what you’re probably most interested in: the cost, financial or otherwise.Things I’ll miss: delicious, delicious tapas (especially those from Granada); reliable and near-constant wifi (weefee!) access; …
Flamingos, whales and profanity—oh my! Today. Down by the river. In Sevilla. I stumbled across blocks and blocks of pretty amazing graffiti.
Alright. I figure it’s about time I released my tentative itinerary for my adventure around the world. It’s all very up in the air, right now, but I want to get something out there and start getting feedback. I’ve already decided I’m not purchasing a RTW ticket but will instead travel overland where possible & …