I’m going a new direction with this blog. Honest, friendly, fun and interesting blogs — all travel and lifestyle topics. Read more about my goal to go back to the blogging basics here.
If you happen to follow this blog on any social media, you might have noticed I turned that fateful age of 30 back in November. The year before I’d publicly set a big list of goals to achieve before turning 30. A lot of them didn’t happen. But you know what? I don’t care.
In the weeks leading up to my 30th birthday, I was lucky to have more than a few friends also celebrate their 30th. Some wore worried, some weren’t. As my birthday approached, I just didn’t care. I had too many other things to think about than “just another birthday.” I was too busy moving apartments, signing contracts, making travel plans, doing business deals and thinking. Always thinking. There was no time to worry about a somewhat symbolic birthday. I had bigger things on my mind.
I still celebrated, of course. There were cocktails and Chinese food, selfie sticks and shower sexcapades. Adventures out exploring Berlin and flea markets and a brunch. Basically: it was a typical weekend. I’m all for celebrating milestones, and maybe if I wasn’t in such a busy state of mind, I would’ve celebrated differently. But god, my 30th birthday was just what I needed—and maybe more importantly, just what I wanted.
As a new expert on living the 30-something life (hah!), I’ve realized something: I just don’t give a damn. Maybe that’s why I’ve got my new take on blogging basics. I want to do what I want to do. And no one’s going to tell me differently. Call it a symptom of being a millennial, I don’t care. Fuck it, I’m 30!
Part of my plan to go back to blogging whatever I care about is because of this new mantra I’ve got. I used to let the blog control more of my actions than I let others believe. I did a lot of things for the sake of the story for the blog. Not anymore! My blog, my stories. Fuck it, I’m 30!

Drinking wine in a Santa hat? Fuck it, I’m 30! ;-)
This new decade of mine is going to be about exploration—just as much as my 20s were. Sure, a lot of my 20s were reckless and fun and crazy. There was a madness there for sure, but there was also a lot of responsibility. Setting up my own business, building up a (semi-?)successful career (twice, actually—once in graphic design and then again a few years later in travel/tourism marketing).
These things weren’t easy and required a lot of time, dedication and work. And I’m happy for it. But goddamn it—I’m 30 now and I want to enjoy things again. I’m at the beginning of a transformation, I can feel it. Maybe it’s finally my quarter-life crisis (if my round-the-world trip wasn’t one already). But I’m ready to explore again. Not just new places, but new things. What is it that they say? “Life is like a box of chocolates. You never know what you’re going to find.” Yeah, that thing. I’m lucky enough to have this ability to enjoy life. I’m in a financially secure place, and in a happy place, and, ever since I took off one fateful day to Madrid beginning my trip around the world in 2010, I’ve got this incredible belief that I don’t have to be scared to try new things. Fuck it, I’m 30 and I want to do more. MORE. More — It’s basically my favorite word.
I’ve got this insatiable desire for more. What “more” is, I don’t know. But don’t go thinking the “Fuck it, I’m 30” mantra isn’t about caring. It’s the complete opposite actually. I care so much about so many things, I’m not going to let stupid, little worries stop me from doing what needs to get done, what I want to do. As a proper (and proud) millennial, I’m taking this world I live in and I’m going to make it what I want it to be. Whether that’s on the individual scale or something more grand, that’s still to be seen.
Over the past few weeks while I was in Texas visiting friends and family, I made a point to embrace the “fuck it, I’m 30″ lifestyle. A lot of it spilled out of my mouth like word vomit one late night in Dallas, talking to a strange bearded boy I’d met only hours before. Sitting on the floor of his trendy Oak Cliff apartment, with The Smiths (or maybe it was Joy Division) playing on vinyl, I let it all out. It’s funny how easy it can be to connect with strangers when you’re traveling. But I didn’t care. Talking with him until nearly sunrise, I discovered my desire to speak plainly and openly, to share the things that really matter to me. And to not be afraid of those worries we all hold back. Life is so much more fun when you let your guard down.
Fuck it, I’m 30. There’s more to come. Stay tuned.
Haha I love it! I think a lot of people are trying to get back to blogging basics (me included) because we’re all constantly evolving and don’t want to be restricted to only talking about one type of thing anymore, even if it means losing a few readers because of it. I love your new mantra – maybe I’ll steal it for myself. Fuck it, I’m 31 ;)
Haha, thank you Julia! I’m glad to see it’s going over well! Any advice for a 30-year-old??
“Shower sexcapades,” now there is a blog post just waiting to be written!!! Ha ha! Loving the new outlook, will be checking back here for sure to see how this plays out!
Haha thanks Andrew. Stay tuned ;-)
Love this Adam.
I’m 30 in April and I’m looking forward to it (why wouldn’t I be? It’s an excuse for an even bigger cake than normal!)
I also like your approach to your blog. I think a few bloggers end up writing what they think their readers want to read instead of what they’d actually love to do/write about.
Good luck!
YES! This. is. so. true.
And thanks for the nice words :) Happy way-early birthday!
I’m totally adopting this mantra!
Yay!! Let’s start a movement :-)
Fuck it, I’ve been in my 30s for a couple of years now!
Haha, good to hear you’ve still got this kind of attitude Ren
You’re closer to a mid life crisis than you are to a quarter life crisis… unless you plan on living to be over 100. Maybe you will with this new positive attitude you’ve adopted.
OMG scariest comment ever, hahah thanks Marta.
Haha, love this mantra! I think I’ll take it up when I turn 30 too! Happy belated birthday to you :)
Thanks Christine! We’ll see how I get on with this new attitude & mantra…. stay tuned!
Good for you my dear!
I found that turning 30 wasn’t such a big deal for me, but when I suddenly turned 31…well, that was a bit different.
Nooooo…. well with this new “Fuck it” attitude, I figure I’ve got all year to warm up to the idea!
Thanks Jo xoxo
I love this Adam! First, Happy Birthday again! Second- you will love your 30’s!!!!! In your 30’s, you still have the energy of your 20’s, but with a large dose of maturity and focus. I am so looking forward to your blog entries, to see how they change, yet still reflect your view on life.
Thank you Patrick! I’m pretty excited about my 30s as well – things are off to a great start. And I really like what you say about more focus (and hopefully) clarity in this decade. Should be a good one!
Still got 1.5 years until 30 happens myself, but I too in the past year have started developing the “fuck it” attitude. So much is just NOT worth thinking or caring about– a really hard thing for me to realize. This actually came about because I randomly met a friend of mine in a bar about a year go and I asked him how things were going. He responded with: “I just don’t care anymore. And it feels great”. This has been a perfect mantra living in a culture where I’ve begun to over analyze every little social thing that happens or how I might not be fitting in perfectly. But you know what- fuck it. This can apply to life as well to blogging :)
Woot! Way to go Cynthia :) I’m starting to like this idea more and more, the more I hear from others who’ve already embraced it. Thanks for the comment & support!
YES! Fuck it! Do you!
As a blogger, it’s easy to let the blog and social media and analytics control your life, but it looks like you’re getting it all under control.
Again, it sounds so cliché to say, but age really is just a number after all. You can be younger inside and more adventurous than someone who is actually biologically younger than you. Enjoy, enjoy, enjoy!
Damon and Jo
Thanks you two!! It feels good to refocus on the more important things
Life truly gets better after 30!!
I love this Adam! I have a few drafts on my blog that are definitely not travel-related, and I’m all for writing more stuff that is about me and my life and what’s going on even if it isn’t about travel. We’re not one dimensional, so why only show the one aspect of our lives? And I totally understand what you mean about doing things too often for the blog, and I’m moving away from that too. I love your new mantra :)
Hi Adam! Just got back from touring northern India, and now catching up on my favorite blogger, you! Happy belated 30th! I reached the “30” milestone a looooooong time ago, and must say, it truly does get better. As you get older, you begin to accept things about yourself, flaws and all. And it’s all good. Go get ’em, Adam!
Wow – thank you Ron for the compliments. Always nice to wake up to these kinds of messages! I’m really looking forward to this decade :)
This just made us love you THAT much more… that’s fucking great! hahahaha! you go boy! fuck it, live ya life!
Good for you, Adam! Next month I join the ‘Fuck it, I’m 40’ club.
It’s important to do things for yourself, including your blog and writing. Enjoy every minute of your 30s.