Christmas day is a weird day. You’re most likely off from work, away from school, maybe back at your parents house or some extended family member’s house. And just about everything is closed. It’s hard to even find a grocery store open on Christmas day! And, honestly, that’s how it should be. The day off …
Discover tips on how to set New Year’s Resolutions & Goals with intention and mindfulness for the next year – set goals you can keep!
A guide to the best gifts for the home—from personalized artwork, cozy accessories, and ambient items to light up a home, my fav homely gifts!
Space is a luxury in New York City. The city’s apartments are famous for being small and expensive compared to the other parts of the country. According to data, the city remains one of the world’s most expensive cities. If you have stumbled upon this article, there is a good chance that you already have …
I deleted the Instagram app for 30 days. Here’s how it helped improve my mood and my life — but also, why I still re-downloaded it and use it again now.
It’s Christmas time, and as the movies would remind us: at Christmas, you tell the truth. I’m taking that to heart today and because I’m continuously striving for more authentic (sorry for the buzzword!) blogging, I figure it’s time to share some little-known facts. This month also marks seven years of Travels of Adam – …
In the age of social media, Instagram has become a double-edged sword. In June, the surgeon general went so far as to say that social media needs to include warning labels for children. While social media, especially Instagram, can be a source of inspiration, connection, and joy, it can also contribute to feelings of inadequacy, …
My bed is my home—the place where I feel most comfortable and relaxed
The merging of travel and Web3 is altering the travel plans of modern globetrotters. Blockchain technology and cryptocurrencies are permeating into the travel industry, prompting forward-thinking tech enthusiasts to devise novel methods of seeing the world. In this article, you’ll learn how blockchain and crypto are revamping how younger generations backpack. Web3 is bringing in …
Yes, you’ve got to have style for a night out on the town. And sure, bring your ID card and house keys, of course, but don’t forget these necessities for a long night out—to be safe and still have fun.