Last week I finally got to Holon to check out the new Design Muesum. I’d first read about it in Time Out Israel (quite possibly my favorite magazine series of all time) over a month ago, so it was nice to finally check out the museum.
The exhibit, titled “Toyko Fiber, Senseware,” was mostly about fabric and fiber. Everything was about touching (but don’t touch the actual exhibits!) and strange, new, synthetic fibers being used for unique purposes.
According to the exhibition brochure…
The aim of this exhibition is to deliberately bring a broad sweep of creators and technology people into contact with attractive new artificial fibers, encouraging them to think of applications that make the benefits of the material visible. Through that approach, the exhibition attempts to show ideas for the future of manufacturing, exhibiting new environmental membranes derived from artificial fibers in order to share them with the world at large.
The museum is rather small (but architecturally beautiful) so there wasn’t a lot of space but they managed to fit in a fair amount of lofty ideas. A lot of people don’t recognize the design value in engineering or industrial design—especially of seemingly undesigned objects. That’s the beauty of design, in my opinion, when it’s invisible. As any product designer will tell you, someone had to design a toothpick.
Some of the pieces in the Senseware exhibit were a bit strange, but that was probably the idea. Get people talking. And thinking. There were a handful of really cool, really fascinating objects, though.

Fabric/fiber that reacted to some sort of movement. These bodies were pulsing as if they were breathing. No breeze needed. Weird.

Not really part of the exhibit. But you should know: I really like white & black colors. And the letter “F” (oh and the table in the topmost photo was there to represent a fiber that could be used for picking up dust – like Swiffer I guess.)

This was cool! A fiber that could be mixed with concrete to allow light to pass through. Has lots of practical (and beneficial) uses in my opinion.
And, one of the coolest pieces in the exhibit, a water-repellent fabric/fiber. They had this gently sloping platform nicely set up with magically appearing water droplets.
Check back here next week for some more information on the Design Museum in Holon, as well as photos of its beautiful architecture.
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