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5 Relaxing Destinations Around the World – Where to Stay for a Relaxing Holiday

When it comes to taking a breather, you don’t have to splurge on a luxurious spa. Nothing beats the soothing calmness of the beach, the tranquility of the mountains, and the stillness of the countryside. Here are five wonderfully serene destinations around the world guaranteed to recharge you from the stress and tension of the past few years.

What to Consider When Choosing a Relaxing Destination

Choosing a place for a relaxing holiday depends greatly on the personal preferences of the traveler. However, there are some universal factors that might be considered to ensure a truly relaxing break away from everyday hustle and bustle.

The Ambiance

Firstly, consider the destination’s overall ambiance. For a relaxing holiday, look for places that are known for their tranquility and serenity. This could range from idyllic coastal towns with pristine beaches to peaceful countryside settings with lush, green landscapes. Such places offer the perfect environment to unwind and let go of stress. Avoid busy, crowded tourist spots as they may not provide the quiet and rest you’re looking for.

The Weather

Consider the climate of the potential holiday spot as well. The weather can greatly impact your holiday experience. If you’re a sun-seeker, a tropical beach destination might be perfect. Alternatively, if you enjoy cooler climates, consider a mountain retreat where you can relax amidst beautiful snow-capped peaks. Personally, I’m a beach boy so I’ll always choose a beach destination or resort (hello Bali).

The Hotel (or even better: resort)

Accommodation plays a crucial role in a relaxing holiday. Look for accommodations that offer comfort and leisure amenities, like a spa or a private pool, which can enhance your relaxation experience. Whether it’s a luxury resort, a quaint bed and breakfast, or a secluded cabin in the woods, the place should provide a peaceful and comfortable environment for you to unwind.

The Activities

Activities available in the location are also important. While the idea is to relax, having access to calming activities like yoga sessions, massage therapies, nature trails, or water sports, can help rejuvenate both your body and mind. Some might prefer destinations with historical sites or cultural activities, providing relaxing ways to spend time without exerting too much energy.

The Ease of Getting There

Lastly, logistical factors like the ease of getting to the destination, and the cost associated with the trip also come into play. A far-off remote island might seem like an ideal location, but if the journey there is hectic and stressful, it might not be the best choice. Choose a location that’s within your budget and relatively easy to reach to ensure the trip doesn’t start or end on a stressful note.

The Appeal of Vacation Rentals

As the travel landscape evolves, more people are gravitating towards vacation rentals for their flexibility and home-like comfort. Vacation rentals, such as those offered by companies like HRG Properties & Rentals, Element Vacation Homes, Prestige Vacation Rental and Staniel Rental provide unique benefits. They often include fully equipped kitchens, private outdoor spaces, and the freedom to enjoy your vacation on your own terms. This shift towards vacation rentals reflects a desire for more personalized, relaxed, and immersive vacation experiences.

In conclusion, picking a place for a relaxing holiday requires considering the location’s ambiance, climate, accommodations, activities, and logistical factors. The perfect destination varies for each person, so identifying what relaxation means to you can help guide your selection process.

5 Relaxing Destinations Around the World


Goa may be India’s ultimate party destination, but its laid-back atmosphere coupled with its stunning views make it perfect for mastering the art of beach lounging. Here, you can read your favorite book under the shade of palm trees, laze in a hammock while sipping cold kokum juice, or take an aimless stroll on the shore.

Because you’re in Goa, indulge in seafood dishes of prawn balchão and crab xec xec, then finish off with a glass of the locally produced liquor feni.

Don’t forget to show your appreciation for the service you received by tipping the people who assisted you. As in most places, the service tip is typically 10% of the total bill.

2. Scottish Highlands

Perhaps it is the imposing silhouette of Ben Nevis at sunrise, the crystal clearness of Loch Ness, the deep dips of Glencoe, the majesty and mystery of ancient castles, and the irresistible charm of its coastal villages that makes the Scottish Highlands invigorating. And we haven’t even factored in the incredible cuisine, the rich culture, and warmth of the people.

For a truly restful vacation, stay in a holiday cottage, and you will never go wrong. The Highlands has a wide range of options, from the luxurious Ardmore Cottage in the Isle of Skye that you can find on the Independent Cottages website, to the off-the-grid Peanmeanach Bothy on the isolated Ardnish Peninsula. We guarantee that you will leave refreshed and ready to take on the new year.

3. Bali

Vacations rejuvenate us, and Bali takes this to the next level. At the Pura Tirta Empul, you can bathe in a purification pool to cleanse and heal your body and mind from the previous year’s negativity.

But if wadding through sacred water is not your cup of tea, try meditation yoga by the beach or experience the famous Balinese massage in one of the island’s world-class spas. We strongly believe, though, that cycling along the rice paddies in Ubud or watching the sunset at Tanah Lot Temple is just as revitalizing.

Recharge at the World’s Biggest Beach Club

Atlas Beach Club guarantees a luxurious world-class beach club experience—a must-visit destination for those seeking a rejuvenating experience while traveling. Witness the mesmerizing Balinese dances that will enchant your eyes in a resort that prioritizes customer service. With regular showcases of the Kecak Dance, heartwarming services, and authentic Balinese cuisine, this impressive beach club has it all.

4. Limousin, France

Although a little rough around the edges, Limousin is one of the most beautiful places in France. On the contrary, its’ rural ambiance adds to its charm.

The region is home to Lake Vassiviere, one of the largest artificial lakes in the country, and the tragic town of Oradour-sur-Glane, a poignant memorial to the dreadful World War 2 massacre in 1944. Limoges, the capital, is a welcome change of pace from the fast-paced metropolis.

However, for uninterrupted quiet, rent a very European looking campervan and head straight to the region’s sprawling countryside, particularly the one surrounding Uzerche. You’ll have ample opportunities for scenic walks while relishing the breathtaking views of birch and beech woodlands, flower-clad meadows, lovely old villages, and thousands of streams.

5. Bora Bora

While your prime reason for a holiday in Bora Bora is to put your feet up, you can always insert a little adventure in your itinerary. The chill-out mood of the island is perfect for all-day beach lounging.

However, its pristine waters and lush interior will surely draw you out of your overwater bungalow. Give in to the temptation. Grab the once-in-a-lifetime chance to swim with sharks or go on a 4×4 drive around the island, through tangled jungles and to the peak of Mount Otemanu. Don’t forget to visit souvenir shops for the famous black pearls.

For a relaxing yet fun-filled evening, book a Polynesian dinner show and enjoy traditional dances while indulging in a sumptuous meal of barbequed meats, fresh seafood, and tropical fruits.