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Since living in Germany I’ve learned more than a handful of new German words. I arrived knowing “gesundheit” and “kindergarten” but something else I’ve added to my lexicon: marzipan. Marzipan isn’t completely a foreign thing to Americans, but it’s not something I was very familiar with until I visited Lübeck, Germany back in December. The …

Read More about What is marzipan? Niederegger’s chocolate marzipan

I’ve been blogging for over two years now, and with my recent site redesign (are you reading this via RSS? if so, click through and check out my MASSIVE SITE REDESIGN), I’ve decided to take this travel blogging thing a bit more seriously. I mean, I’ve taken it seriously to begin with. I love sharing …

Read More about some notes on travel blogging and why i blog

Sachsenhausen concentration camp memorial Just outside Berlin is the Sachsenhausen concentration camp memorial. Under Nazi Germany, the concentration camp was used first as a work camp for political prisoners until eventually it was expanded and enlarged to also include facilities for mass murder. After WWII, Sachsenhausen was briefly used by the Soviets to house Nazi …

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Þingvellir (Thingvellir) National Park in Iceland When I visited Iceland in September 2009 (read how my trip to Iceland changed my life here) I did one of the popular day trips to all the tourist sites within a short bus ride away from downtown Reykjavik. I was reminded of the Golden Circle tour when I …

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The old Converse sneakers I took around the world These were my old Converse sneakers I took with me on my RTW trip. I bought them days before I left America on what ended up being a trip I’m kind-of still doing today. The Converse sneakers lasted until shortly after I arrived in Berlin, where …

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Chefchaouen, Morocco is in the north of Morocco and is probably most famous for its beautifully vibrant blue medina (or city center). The Morocco Lonely Planet also said the city is famous for a beautiful Chefchaouen waterfall (pictured above). Unfortunately while I was there the waterfall was a bit of a joke with hardly any …

Read More about Chefchaouen’s disappointing waterfall