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With the sunny days here in Berlin (and summer increasingly on my mind), I thought I’d share one of my favorite places to be during summertime. Summertime at Circular Quay, Sydney Sydney’s Circular Quay (pronounced “key”) was one of my favorite spots while I was studying at Sydney University for a term in 2006. The …

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Sorry if the photo is a bit blurry but my hands were cold. This is a shot of one of the many stands at the Christmas market (or Weihnachtsmarkt in German) in Schmalkalden, Germany. I was visiting this central German town on part of a chocolate & candy tour through Germany. Schmalkalden is in a …

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Whether it’s the crappy weather or just my sorry mood, inspiration has been lacking in my life since the new year. So to fight it off, I spent this past weekend trying to improve my mood. First with the first plane ticket purchase I’ve made in MONTHS (hellllooo Norway in March!) and second with a …

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I’ve pretty much spent the past week hanging out in a theater seat. It was the Berlinale / Berlin International Film Festival here for the past 10 days, and thanks to some friends who sorted out my tickets, I managed to see four different films. Here’s my recap: Dictado / “Childish Games” There was a …

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hey hey – some architecture for you: The German Reichstag building houses the German parliament (Bundestag), equivalent of the U.S. Congress. The building is open to the public and it’s fairly simple to arrange a visit to the dome (designed by Norman Foster). You just have to register online in advance with your personal information …

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So, this isn’t a story I’ve shared in many places (even though I’m all over the internet). But in all honesty, it’s one of the most defining moments of my round-the-world trip that lasted from May 2010 to July 2011 (and then some). Like any good adventure story, it’s got a hot Australian dude, a …

Read More about The difference between pancakes & waffles