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I first read about Elephant Nature Park over on the Got Passport blog, but as it turns out, it’s actually pretty well publicized. It’s in the Lonely Planet and there have been features on CNN and other international news organizations. One of the many things tourists come to Thailand for–besides sex, drugs & beaches to …

Read More about Elephant Nature Park in Chiang Mai

Want to travel to Ramallah? I’d recommend a visit if you’re in Israel. Many people have a misconceived image of the West Bank and Palestinian culture & people. So if you’re traveling in Israel or Jordan, why not travel to Ramallah in the Palestinian territories as well? Just outside Damascus Gate to the Old City …

Read More about Travel to Ramallah from Jerusalem

I’ve had this vegetarian dish, Malai Kofta, a handful of times across India, and just about every time I’ve enjoyed it. It’s one of those things I never saw (or maybe just didn’t notice) on an Indian restaurant menu in America, but here, it’s everywhere. Delicious and tasty, it’s one of my favorite Indian meals. …

Read More about Malai Kofta: My favorite Indian dish I never knew about

This book is on nearly everyone’s to-read list, before, after or during a trip to India. Rightly so, because it’s a good book. Maybe if I’d read it before I arrived I’d have a different opinion of the book, but reading it on the beaches of Goa, I didn’t take to it so warmly. Yes …

Read More about The Philosophy and Portrayal of India in Shantaram

About the border crossing Israel is notorious for tight security. Especially at their borders. So even though I was leaving rather than entering Israel, I was understandably on edge. Not to mention that my Israeli tourist visa was expired by 5 days. My flight to India was from Amman, Jordan but I was currently staying …

Read More about How to get from Jerusalem to Amman using the Jordan River Border Crossing