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When I first landed in Israel (well, walked into Israel, really), I had little idea of what to expect. Coming from Egypt, I was already used to the Middle Eastern lifestyle (ie, things move slow…) so when I first arrived in Jerusalem, I was pleasantly surprised to find a city all mixed up in modernity …

Read More about Hipster Jerusalem: Things to do near Zion Square

When I moved to Berlin at the end of last summer I heard a lot about how great Berlin is during the month of May. With May Day (May 1st) to unofficially kick off the summer season, Berlin seems to suddenly spring alive this time of year. A gloomy winter disappeared, the city is alive …

Read More about Baumblütenfest wine festival in Werder, Germany

I (heart) Berlin and Berlin’s epicenter is Alexanderplatz. It’s one of the city’s biggest transport hubs and though the main platz in front of the train station is often filled with festivals, carnivals and daily events, there are lots more things to see. Alexanderplatz is a great place to just wander around and get lost. …

Read More about Within walking distance of Alexanderplatz